Air Cadet comes out strong with silver medal win in Effective Speaking

For Daisy Kinch, winning the silver medal in the PEI Provincial Air Cadet League Effective Speaking competition was a mark of just how far she’s come in terms of speaking in front of an audience.

“I was really excited that I was really proud of myself, because I’ve always had a lot of anxiety, especially when I was younger,” she said.

Even speaking in front of her class was often difficult.

“I’m in French, and I’ve been with those kids since I was in the seventh grade, but I’m still terrified of talking in front of them,” she said. “So it felt really good to know that I had won an award for something that held me back for so long, and that I finally did it and that I wasn’t scared to speak in public anymore.”

Ms Kinch, who has the rank of Flight Sergeant with 641 West Prince Squadron, took part in competition on April 30, one of six Air Cadets from across the province to do so. The aim of the competition is to provide an opportunity for Air Cadets to acquire effective speaking skills through instruction and practice in a structured and competitive environment, while also increasing individual self-confidence.Daisy Kinch

This is the fifth year Ms Kinch has taken part, winning the local competition twice, but the first time she’s had the opportunity to compete at the provincial level.

Article by West Prince Graphic

Air Cadet League of PEI