Dave Vokey, in Glace Bay Nova Scotia joined the Royal Canadian Air Force at age 17, in September 1956 and, upon completion of Basic Training and Trades Training, began his career in the Regular Force. Among his posting were: AFHQ Ottawa 1957-1962, RCAF Station Whitehorse 1962-1965, RCAF Station Bagotville 1965-1968, Air Cadet Staff Alberta Based at Calgary 1968-1971, CFB Trenton 1971-1975, CFB Kingston 1975-1977, CFS Sydney 1977-1980 and CFB Summerside 1980-1988. He has also had a career owning the Singer Sewing Company, operating a cleaning business and Real Estate Management.
He’s married to Johanne (Read) of Montreal PQ and has four Children, twelve Grandchildren and ten G, eat Grandchildren.
While in Calgary he started his involvement with Area Air Cadets as an Instructor responsible for 15 Squadrons in Southern Alberta. This involvement has continued to this day. He also volunteered with Scouts and Minor Hockey.

Since leaving the RCAF Dave became involved in the Royal Canadian Legion holding many offices at the RCL Branch #22 at Ellerslie including Vice President & President. He then went on to be the RCL Provincial West Prince Zone Commander and then as Vice President with RCL PEI Provincial Command. In 2003 Dave transferred to the Branch #5 RCL Summerside serving as Vice President in 2014. Completing 31 years RCL 2016.
In 2003 Dave joined the Royal Canadian Air Force Association 200 Summerside Wing and served on the Air Cadet Sponsor committee for 53 Monty Squadron, on the 200 Summerside Wing Executive with a term as Vice President, and as President, and then on the Wing Board of Trustees from 2007-2012.
In 2012, Dave served on the RCAFA Atlantic Group which consists of nine Wings from the four Atlantic Provinces, serving as Vice President and then at the Atlantic Group AGM in May 2015 for a two-year term as President.
During the period 2006 to present, Dave volunteered and became involved with the Air Cadet League of Canada PEI Provincial committee serving as Vice Chair 2006-2008, as Chair 2009-2012 and again as Chair in 2015-Present.
Dave is also a member of the Masonic Lodge 1999 to present, serving in offices at PEI Lodge # 3 Summerside and Lodge # 15 Bedeque.