Top Cadet is awarded by the Air Cadet League – PEI to a cadet based on a point system and includes: years of service, rank camps attended, optional training activities, medals received, academic standing, citizenship activities, extracurricular activities, a written essay, CO’s recommendation and recommendations by non-cadet personnel.
Top Squadron is awarded by the Air Cadet League – PEI to a Squadron based on a point system and includes Criteria such as: average attendance, percentage of CIC on strength, number of CIC trained this year, cadet performance (cadets wrote the power or glider exam), existence of a cadet band and the bands performance, existence of a drill team and performance of the team, participation in Effective Speaking Competition, national and regional camps attended, number of citizenship activities, participation in physical fitness activities, is the squadron paid up on the assessment , did they submit ACC9, did the squadron promote, is the sponsoring committee active etc. Historical Top Sqn List
2022 winners was Top Squadron 53 C.E. Monty Squadron (Summerside) and Top Cadet was W02 Matthew MacNeil.

2020 winners were 53 C.E. Monty Squadron (Summerside) and Top Cadet was Cadet Warrant Officer Second Class Connor Costain.
2019 winners were 60 Confederation Squadron (Charlottetown) and Sgt Blue, 327 Southern Kings Squadron.
2018 winners were 641 Tignish Squadron and Warrant Officer Ben Dyment 53 Squadron.