Kendra Stordy-Mellish – Air Cadet League PEI Chair (2018/19)

Kendra joined Air Cadets in 1982 with 53 Sqn Summerside and was appointed to the PEI Air Cadet League in 2006. She joined the Board as Vice Chair after a 27-year career in the Canadian Armed Forces where she began her career first as Cadet Instructor Corp then as a Non-Commissioned member as a Resource Management Support Clerk Regular Force. After her first tour to Afghanistan, Kendra took her commission as a Health Care Administration Officer and later retired at the rank of Captain. Kendra brings with her significant experience in Air Cadets as a former cadet and Glider/Power pilot and instructor, managing human, financial and logistical/medical resources, and with almost five years of Operational Stress Injury Social Support program PEI’s Peer Support Coordination for Department of National Defence/Veterans Affairs Canada. She and has a great deal of volunteer experience serving her community on various boards and enjoys giving back to PEI Air Cadets.
Kendra Stordy-Mellish completed her Bachelor of Business and advanced studies in Human Resources at the University of New Brunswick. Bachelor of Arts, Royal Military College, diplomas with Algonquin College and Canadian Health Service Management. Harassment Advisor and Military Grievance Analyst. READ MORE>> April 1, 2019 Winner of Mayor Basil Stewart’s Good Neighbor Award.
Gail Meuller – Fundraising
Gail joined the Air Force on 18 July 1967 after graduating from Grade 12/University preparation year. She had come from a military family and have 17 people in her immediate family that were in the Armed Forces. After basic training in CFB Cornwallis NS she was stationed at CFB Clinton ON for her trade training. She graduated from Communications training and was sent to CFB St. Hubert, Quebec where she worked at the Headquarters. Her job was extremely interesting and she enjoyed every moment as she worked in the crypto room and there was never a dull moment.
They received messages from many countries dealing with situations as they arose. Her husband was also military and was medically released in Feb 1972 so her career also came to an end at the same time. She truly enjoyed her time in the Armed forces and saw many changes like from three types of service: Air Force, Army and Navy to a Combined Force and then back to the three separate identities. Now she is President of our Sponsoring Committee associated with 200 Wing Summerside PE. She finds working with 53 Squadron very rewarding. She is also part of the ACLC provincial committee and has worked with the International cadets as well as cadets here on PEI.
Dave Vokey – Air Cadet League PEI Vice Chair
Dave Vokey, in Glace Bay Nova Scotia joined the Royal Canadian Air Force at age 17, in September 1956 and, upon completion of Basic Training and Trades Training, began his career in the Regular Force. Among his posting were: AFHQ Ottawa 1957-1962, RCAF Station Whitehorse 1962-1965, RCAF Station Bagotville 1965-1968, Air Cadet Staff Alberta Based at Calgary 1968-1971, CFB Trenton 1971-1975, CFB Kingston 1975-1977, CFS Sydney 1977-1980 and CFB Summerside 1980-1988. He has also had a career owning the Singer Sewing Company, operating a cleaning business and Real Estate Management. READ MORE >>
Andrew Halliday – Communications Chair

Andrew is a proud alumnus of the Air Cadet program, serving over six years with 60 Confederation Squadron in Charlottetown, PEI prior to aging out.
Cadet service highlights include representing PEI in the National Effective Speaking Competition in Saskatoon, attending national courses in St. Jean, QC (Space) and Cold Lake, AB (Senior Leaders), and, being awarded the Air Force Association of Canada Medal for being the top provincial cadet on his Senior Leaders Course. He also served his last summer as a staff cadet at Greenwood Cadet Training Centre, CFB Greenwood.
Bill Fowler – Air Cadet League PEI Immediate Past Chair 2018/19

In 1987, he retired from the Air Force in after 24 years of service. His military duties included flight standards, flight instructor, military staff officer, flight safety officer and squadron pilot lead. He is graduate of the Canadian Forces Command and Staff College, Advanced Management Course, and the French Language Course. Before joining the RCAF, he was an Air Cadet with 187 Squadron High River, where he was the senior cadet for two years and was fortunate enough to attend the Senior Leader’s Course and spend his last summer as Cadet Drill Instructor. READ MORE >>
In 2019 Barry received the Certificate of Honor at the National ACL Annual Meeting. Subsequent to his experience as an Air cadet, he served in the Canadian Armed Forces for 25 years. In retirement, he has been very active in 2000 Wing, Royal Canadian Air Force Association, and especially in its support of Royal Canadian Air Cadets. Withe the PEI Provincial Committee, he has served as Aviation Chair, Vice Chair, Chair and Past Chair.

Erik Manchester – Aviation Committee

Born in Halifax and raised in Fall River, NS Erik was a Cub and Boy Scout before joining 342 Bedford Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets in 1980 where he discovered the joy of flying. Completing the Cadet Glider Pilots Course in 1982 he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1983 under the Regular Officer Training Program and graduated with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree from Dalhousie University in 1988. Selected for rotary wing training Erik completing pilot training in 1989 and was posted to 427 Sqn Petawawa where he flew the CH135 Twin Huey and participated in Op SALON (the Oka Crisis), Op HURRICANE (Support to CFS Alert), and Op DELIVERANCE (CF Ops in Somalia).
Posted to 408 Sqn in Edmonton in 1994, Erik was employed as an Instructor Pilot and Night Vision Goggle Specialist and deployed in1996 with the UN Mission in Haiti. Upon return to 408 Sqn, he conducted conversion training on the CH146 Griffon and in 1997 joined 1 Wing HQ in Kingston and was instrumental in the planning of aviation ops in Canada, Haiti, Bosnia, and Kosovo. READ MORE >>
Russell Gallant – National Board of Governors

Russell has been involved in the Air cadet Movement since 1960 first as a cadet in high school. He joined the staff of # 641 Tignish in 1969 and served until 1984, retiring with the rank of Captain. During this time he served in supply, administration, and was Commanding Officer (10 Years). In 1983 he went on to CD, Captain/Acting Major while serving as OIC Survival Trg. C.F.B. Greenwood 1970-1980.
In 1985 he became a member of #641 Tignish SSC. From 1990-1997, served as Chair of #641 Sponsoring Committee and, during that time, served as director of the Air Cadet League of P.E.I., VP, and President. While serving as President in 1995, P.E.I. League hosted its first ever AGM of the Air Cadet League of Canada. Recipient of Canada 125 Medal in 1992, Air Cadet League of Canada Certificate of Honour in 1995, and Certificate of Excellence in 1998. Recipient of both the Cadet and Cadet Volunteer Long Service Medals. In 2022 Russell was given an Honorary Life Membership at the 2022 National Annual Meeting. READ MORE >>
Gail Lecky – Selection Boards – Effective Speaking
Gail’s participation with the ACL started when she joined the Kiwanis Club of Charlottetown in 1987 as the first female member of the club. During her time with Kiwanis she was Secretary, President, Committee Chair of numerous committees including the 60 Squadron Sponsoring Committee, and Divisional Lt. Governor responsible for all the 10 Clubs from Cape Breton to Dartmouth to Charlottetown.
A highlight of her time with Kiwanis was a partnership event with UNICEF where Roger Moore was brought to Charlottetown for a dinner to raise money for a Kiwanis International program call IDD which set out to eradicate iodine deficiency disorders in third world countries. She has been awarded an Osborne Award by her Club and received the Queens Jubilee Medal.
She is currently Bookkeeper, Chair of the Selection Boards and Effective Speaking Competition Chair.
Susan Harris – Treasurer

Susan has been involved in the Cadet program since she was able to join RCWC Trillium in 1971. She then moved on to RCAC 110 Agincourt in 1975, till she aged out in 1978. She was then a parent to a Navy League Cadet for a couple of years, 1987 to 1990, then on to RCSCC Summerside parent from 1991 till 1993.
Years later, she joined the SSC for 53 C.E. Monty DFC as a treasurer from 2016 till present time. Susan now has added treasurer of Air Cadet League of PEI to her volunteer roles. She has recently retired from her career as a Library Technician for the past 25 years at the Summerside Rotary Library.
Susan is also on the board for the RCAF 200 Wing for the past 5 years. She is the mother of 2 children and Grammie to 4 children.
Guy Albert – Honors and Awards

Guy Albert began his involvement with the Air Cadet movement as a cadet with 313 Edmundston Squadron in 1968. During his time as an Air Cadet he attended summer training camps in Greenwood Nova Scotia, Senior Leaders in Borden Ontario and International Exchange in France.
Mr. Albert joined the Cadet Instructor List in 1974 and was on strength with various Squadrons in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. He filled the positions of Assistant Training Officer, Training Officer, Administration Officer and Commanding Officer.
Mr. Albert continued to be active in summer training programs and filled the positions of Control Room Clerk, Duty Officer, Junior Leadership Instructor, OIC of Junior Leadership Course, Services Officer, Recreation Officer, Assistant Training Officer and Wing Officer. He also spent two summers in Moncton as Flying Scholarship Supervisor.
In 1987 he began work with the Air Cadet League. He chaired the 60 Squadron Sponsoring Committee and the Prince Edward Island Provincial Air Cadet League. He was then on the Board of Governors of the Air Cadet League of Canada before becoming Vice-President in 2000, First Vice President in 2003 and President in 2004. He has been a member of the Advisory Board since 2005.
Mr. Albert received the Air Cadet League Certificate of Honour in 1997 and the Medal of Honour in 2019. He also received the Canadian Forces Decoration in 1986 and the Queen’s Jubilee Medal in recognition of his contribution to the Air Cadet Movement in 2003.
Guy Albert has a Master of Education from Saint Mary’s University and a Bachelor of Education from l’Université de Moncton. He retired from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in Prince Edward Island as Instructional Development and Achievement Coordinator in 2016. Prior to different assignments at the Department, he spent several years as a teacher and curriculum consultant.
Mr. Albert is married to Leisa Holmes and they reside in South Rustico, Prince Edward Island.