Drill Team

Part of being an Air Cadet is working with your fellow Cadets in various drills in the regular program and, for those interested, there are exciting adventures to hone your individual and team marching skills.  Air Cadets has some precision Drill teams that teach high-level marching in a military fashion to a specific routine.

You may have seen one of our Squadron teams participating in a formal ceremony at Remembrance day or special military events and noted how organized and precise they were.  Advanced drill teams can be found in programs such as Honour Guard or Rifle Drill Teams which involve maneuvers and drills involving while carrying a rifle, or Flag Parties which involve small groups of Cadets marching with the Canadian Flag and Cadet banners.

Most of these activities also involve competitions at local and regional events, but the most exciting opportunities for Cadets are the events that allow them to show their precision skills and marching to the Canadian public.