More than Meets the Skies!
Royal Canadian Air Cadets participate in a variety of fun and challenging activities. There is something for everyone – no matter what their personal interests may be. The outdoor enthusiast will appreciate learning survival skills for the flight crew. The athlete will appreciate physical education and recreation, including a variety of sporting activities like biathlon and Olympic-style marksmanship. The artists will find their niche in the music program.
The curious will appreciate the hands-on activities such as building model aircraft. The scholarly will appreciate an introduction to the various tools and technologies linked to aviation. The dreamers will appreciate the evolution of technology and the advancements of the aerospace era, including the importance of Canadian participation.
Select top senior cadets may even earn the chance to represent Canada on the world stage by participating in an international exchange.
Most importantly, Air Cadets aids in developing knowledge of Canadian history and democracy. The cadet program focuses on social development, decision-making, and leadership. As cadets acquire skills and knowledge, they pass it along to younger cadets.
Every cadet will have the chance to participate in flight activities, and some top senior cadets may even earn a scholarship to obtain their private pilot’s license. Whether earning a glider pilot license or private pilot license, these cadets wear their wings with a pride rarely found in today’s youth.
C.E. Monty Squadron
53 RCAC Sqn formally of CFB Summerside, PEI was later renamed after a great war hero. The squadron was renamed on 30 July 1997 to 53 C.E. Monty, DFC Sqn after Captain Charlie E Monty. Distinguish Flying Cross (DFC), CD. This war hero had spent 48 years in uniform. Starting out as an admin clerk – typist in 1940 and later commissioned from the ranks to pilot. After the compulsory age of 60, he then became the chair of the cadet sponsoring committee for the No.200 Wing of the RCAF Association for 53 Sqn.

53 C.E. Monty Squadron Air Cadets Annual Reports
53 C.E. Monty Squadron Sponsoring Committee
Squadron Sponsoring Committees: A high level of parental involvement is a valuable resource and is the key to building a strong sponsoring committee. Parents and Volunteers are most likely to stay involved if they feel good about what they are doing and appreciated. To build that relationship requires good leadership from the SSC Executive Team which is why this article is recommended reading. The main message is, “It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it, that’s what gets results”.
Sponsors for C.E. Monty 53 Squadron is the 200 Summerside Wing.
Sponsoring Chairperson is Gayle Mueller.