Welcome to 327 Southern Kings Air Cadet Squadron
Congratulations on your decision to join the Air Cadets program. You have decided to join an amazing group of young people and make new friends. The cadet program offers many different activities. It is up to you to do as much or as little as you want.
Meeting & Training Information:
We parade on Wednesday’s evenings from 615 pm to 915 pm at the Montague Regional High School, 274 Valleyfield Rd Montague. Do not get dropped off prior to 615 pm as no officers will be present to supervise. Please ensure you have checked the calendar on our website to have the correct uniform dress or sports attire for the evening.
We also have additional training , you will be notified of what and where it is once scheduled. Our supplementary training options include Marksmanship, Ground School, Biathlon and Community Service
During the year, we may take part in other optional activities that include but are not limited to: Poppy Drive, Battle of Britain Parade, Food Drives, Remembrance Day Parade, Commonwealth Ceremony, and community events such as the WI Roadside Cleanup. We also have a Survival exercise weekend usually held in October or early November each year.
Attendance is taken for each activity but if a cadets has to come late it is their responsibility to ensure they are marked present. If he/she forgets and does not sign in, we will not be marking them present in our computer system. This could have an impact on summer course selection, promotions, and other activities where we look at attendance to evaluate and select cadets.
If you are unable to attend cadets, you are responsible for contacting us by email. If you miss cadets for educational reasons, you will be responsible to make up the missed classes prior to promotion. If you do not contact us prior to the start of training, you will be marked absent.
Cadet Conduct:
All cadets will sign a code of conduct letter of agreement. We expect cadets to treat each other, as well as the staff, with respect. Honesty and loyalty are part of the cadet program. Furthermore, all Cadets will sign a cell phone use policy. We expect our cadets to follow this policy and respect the time, effort, and dedication of our instructors.
All our training information can be found on the calendar on our website. The website is https://aircadetleaguepei.ca/327squadron or www. 327cadets.ca Please check the calendar and website often as we will be updating both as we receive information. We have a Facebook group you can join and ask questions. We use this group to advise you of upcoming training events and activities.
If there is a school closure due to a snowstorm, we will also be canceling cadets.
Cadets will be provided with a uniform free of charge. We ask that you take good care of it and return it when you are no longer in cadets. If the uniform is not returned, the cost of the uniform could be invoiced to you. If you need to be issued a new uniform or if any part of yo6ur uniform needs to be exchanged, please see us at the Cadet office.
Hair and Personal Grooming:
****With the Canadian Forces New polices, we will be updating this information soon****
As a member of 327 Southern Kings Air Cadets, you are expected to meet the standards for hair care and uniform presentation as described in CATO 55-04 OAIC 55-04 ANNEX F, ILLUSTRATED REFERENCES found on our webpage. http://aircadetleaguepei.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/OAIC-55-04-annex-f.pdf
Contact Information:
Squadron phone number: 902-969-2389 If you call and there is no answer, leave a message.
327 Southern Kings Air Cadet Sqn
PO Box 956
Montague PE C0A 1R0
Squadron Website: https://aircadetleaguepei.ca/327squadron
Squadron Email: 327air@cadets.gc.ca
We look forward to having you as a member of 327 Southern Kings Air Cadet Squadron. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Squadron Sponsoring Committees: A high level of parental involvement is a valuable resource and is the key to building a strong sponsoring committee. Parents and Volunteers are most likely to stay involved if they feel good about what they are doing and appreciated. To build that relationship requires good leadership from the SSC Executive Team which is why this article is recommended reading. The main message is, “It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it, that’s what gets results”. https://aircadetleague.com/en/documents/leadership_module_final.pdf
Our sponsors: Montague Legion and Montague Lions Club.
Sponsoring Chair person is Guy Albert.