The Mess Dinner is one of the most important traditions of the Canadian Forces. With Unification, the various Mess Dinner customs of the previous services resulted in equally variable standards and considerable uncertainty among air element personnel about how a Mess Dinner should be conducted. A common standard will ensure that our rich heritage is preserved.
This much-needed common approach was adopted and consolidated in this booklet. It also sets forth the policy, standard and format for Mess Dinners at Wings within Air Command.

Whereas these procedures have evolved primarily from the customs and traditions of former RCAF Officers’ Messes, the format is readily adaptable for use by Senior Non-Commissioned Members’ and Junior Ranks’ Messes.

Chief of the Air Staff
February 2007

ACL Mess Dinner Procedures

ACL PEI Mess Dinner 2016


ACL PEI Mess Dinner 2018 

Air Cadet League of PEI