The procedure to join the PEIPC is relatively simple. Either a person expresses an interest in joining a Squadron Sponsoring Committee or the Provincial Committee to one of our Members, or the person was nominated by a Squadron Sponsor to the position of Sponsoring Committee Chair. The application, is then presented to the Executive Committee or to a meeting of all Members for final approval.

What You Will Receive

When you are accepted into the PEIPC, the Provincial Chair will notify you, officially welcoming you to the League. This person will also act as your mentor and advisor.

You may receive a tie and a blazer crest and name tag which form part of our “uniform” (more on that later). The following information is available on the PEI website:

  • The Bylaws of the Prince Edward Island Provincial Committee – this document details the by-laws of the PEIPC and information about the structure of the PEIPC.
  • It is recommended that new members log into the Air Cadet League website at, select language of choice and select “Info for Members” . This will allow you access to the entire Policies and Procedures Manual. (Link directly to the English or French versions)
  • A PEIPC Contact List – This lists all members of the PEIPC along with their mailing addresses, e-mail addresses and phone numbers. It will also outline the various committees which are in operation.

Additional Information You Will Need

Once you have had a chance to review the documentation, there is additional information you might ask for such as Squadron information. The Provincial Committee Chair can provide a League profile on your squadron that could include a verbal briefing on the areas of strength of the squadron as well as any potential concerns.

Our Uniform

The Air Cadet Program has a long military history. That history includes the wearing of a distinctive uniform. As part of the Air Cadet League, we also wear a distinctive uniform. Our normal uniform consists of a dark blue blazer with the Air Cadet League crest, a white shirt worn with the Air Cadet League tie, gray trousers / skirt and black shoes. The name tag is worn on the right lapel of the blazer. This uniform is worn to most Air Cadet League functions such as squadron visits, Annual Reviews, League meetings and public functions. In the warm weather, we have a “summer dress uniform” which consists of a short sleeve ACLC shirt (worn with the name tag but without a tie), gray trousers/skirt and black shoes. This uniform is usually worn when visiting summer camps.

Each member is responsible for providing his/her own uniform items except for the blazer crest, tie and name tag, which are provided when the member is officially accepted into the League.

The Philosophy of the Air Cadet League and Its Responsibilities
The Duties and Responsibilities of the Department of National Defense

The following information has been taken from a national in-service program developed by the Air Cadet League of Canada. It will provide you with an overview of the role of the League and its philosophy as well as the duties and responsibilities of the League and the Department of National Defense.

The Air Cadet League of Canada fosters development in youth, the values of  self-confidence, self-discipline, leadership and physical fitness.

The Air Cadet League envisions the Air Cadet Movement being recognized as the best – the most influential, innovative and expert organization in the world community of youth movements, and being proactive in meeting the changing needs of youth, the environment, and the challenges of economic change.

The Air Cadet League believes that there is a place in our society for an educational program which is not entirely permissive, which requires the participants to meet certain standards of dress, appearance and behavior, and which expects our young people to accept a full measure of personal responsibility for their own actions.

The League also believes that Air Cadets should have every opportunity to qualify for the most attractive rewards the program can offer — through merit!

Responsibilities of the League through League HQ and its Provincial Committees:

  • making recommendations to the Chief of Defence Staff for the formation, organization or disbandment of cadet squadrons.
  • providing supervision, advice and assistance to local sponsors and cadet units.
  • overseeing, in cooperation with the CF, the effective operation of Air Cadet Squadrons and their Sponsoring Committees.
  • recommending suitable persons for enrollment in the CF as CIC officers, or for employment as Civilian Instructors
  • making recommendations to the appropriate Region Commander regarding the appointment, promotion, transfer or release of CIC officers and Civilian Instructors
  • providing and supervising Sponsors and Sponsoring Committees
  • providing advice and assistance to Squadron Sponsoring Committees
  • providing financial support as required

The Canadian Forces/Department of National Defence is responsible for:

  • supervision and administration of cadet squadrons
  • material, in accordance with approved scales of issue
  • training, pay and allowances for Cadet Instructors
  • funds for payments of annual grants, band grants and training bonuses as authorized
  • transportation, as authorized
  • facilities and staff for Summer Training Centres and approved courses
  • syllabus and training aids, in accordance with approved scales of issue
  • medical care as authorized
  • liaison with cadet units
  • officers or appropriate civilians for formal functions at Annual Reviews
  • policy on the enrollment, employment, appointment, promotion, transfer and release of CIC officers, Civilian Instructors and cadets

Duties of the Commanding Officer, the Squadron Sponsoring Committee and the Squadron Sponsoring Committee Chair

The following information, also from the in-service program developed by the Air Cadet League of Canada, will provide you with an overview of the role of the Commanding Officer of the squadron and the role of the Sponsoring Committee and the Sponsoring Committee Chair.

  • It is the responsibility of the Squadron Commanding Officer to :
  • ensure that the Mandatory Proficiency Level training program is given ;
  • organize optional training ;
  • plan special activities ;
  • manage the administration of the Squadron ;
  • manage and control military materials ;
  • organize and supervise the work of the military personnel ;
  • make sure that there is a fair evaluation system in the selection of cadets for promotions, summer training centers and awards ;
  • maintain liaison with the Sponsoring Committee through the Sponsor Chair ; and
  • prepare and submit a budget

It is the responsibility of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee to :

  • make recommendations through their Provincial Committee to the appropriate Region Commander regarding the appointment, promotion, transfer or release of CIC Officers for their cadet squadron ;
  • assist in enroling suitable candidates for replacement officers and positions as Civilian Instructors or Volunteers ;
  • nominate suitable persons to be members of the Sponsoring Committee
  • liaise with other cadet units ;
  • provide appropriate accommodation for squadron training, administration and stores when not provided by the CF ;
  • provide training aids and equipment, including band instruments not supplied by the CF ;
  • provide and manage financial matters and administrative needs for the squadron ;
  • provide support to their Provincial Committee activities and financial needs as agreed ;
  • provide supervision of squadron’s finances and render an Annual Statement of Receipts and Expenditures (ACC9) to the Provincial Committee Treasurer;
  • provide necessary input to cadet applications for summer training ;
  • provide transportation, when not available from the CF, for local training exercises ;
  • provide such other facilities or assistance as may be mutually agreed between the Sponsor, the Sponsoring Committee, and the CF ;
  • see that the squadron is conducted in accordance with League rules and regulations and, within such framework, to establish whatever local regulations may be necessary ;
  • provide squadron representation in the local community ; and
  • provide awards trophies and other special inducements for proficiency.

The Sponsoring Committee Chair is responsible to :

With regard to the Squadron…

  • ensure the committee fulfills its’ duties
  • ensure a Secretary-Treasurer and at least three other committee members are appointed
  • preside at meetings
  • establish and supervise sub-committees
  • enforce all decisions
  • schedule meetings
  • prepare meeting agendas
  • maintain a priviledged link with the CO
  • represent the Squadron to the parents, the public, and all decision-making bodies of the community
  • respect the working agreement with the Sponsor (if applicable)

With regard to the Provincial Committee

  • report to the Provincial Chair of the PEIPC
  • attend provincial meetings
  • submit annually the ACC9 Financial Reports and the Squadron Information Sheet
  • encourage support for and participation in committees of the PEIPC (eg. Regional, Flying, Effective Speaking, etc.)
Air Cadet League of PEI